I've been taking Plexus Slim and Accelerator+ for about two months now. I began approximately March 7, 2014, just a week before my (ahem) 56th birthday. I took a few pics so I could chronicle my progress. My sponsor and others I heard from said I would experience inches lost probably more profoundly than actual pounds on the scale. And so they were right. I have lost somewhere between 15-20 pounds (not quite to 20 yet), which I know to some of you sounds like a lot. For me, it's not a great amount. When you stand 5'10" and have 60+ to lose, you are encouraged by that progress, but you know you've only just begun. Ok, don't let that Carpenters song start playing in your head....uh-oh, too late.

When I took my one-month photos, I admit I was a bit discouraged that I didn’t see much progress. I kept looking in the mirror and not seeing much difference either. But I believed in Plexus and I felt so great, so I kept at it. And then even before my 2-month mark, I decided to take another round of pics. I’m so glad I did! Wow, NOW I can see the difference! So if you happen to be like me and aren’t seeing immediate results, please don’t give up! I think the difference in the last 2 pics says it all. No wonder when I looked at my front-side in the mirror I didn’t see much difference…it was all “behind me,” so to speak.
What Is This Stuff?

But taking it in the morning is not really a hard and fast rule either. What if you struggle with the temptation to snack or indulge in the evening hours? You might try taking your Plexus Slim later in the day, perhaps before your mid-day meal, or even later.
My suggestion for all this is you’ll have to experiment to see what works best for you. It is sort of a “my body, my science experiment” type of deal. But not to worry; you’ll find that sweet spot for you that works best for your body.
And, what if you’re also taking the Accelerator+ capsule(s) with it? Accelerator+ is totally an optional product. It does work synergistically with the pink drink to “accelerate” the fat loss. Most people say, “Oh yeah, I’m all for faster results!” and go for the Accelerator+. But there are some factors to consider before you decide to take the Accelerator+. I will start by saying I take it and I LOVE it. However, this product contains natural caffeine, so it will have a stimulating effect. If you are sensitive to caffeine, use caution. The recommendation is NOT to take these capsules if you have any kind of heart condition, high blood pressure, are pregnant or nursing. I will also add it's NOT recommended for kids under age 18. Some folks are rather sensitive to caffeine, or simply don’t want to incur the added expense of the Accelerator+. Again, it’s your decision. I decided to add it to my pink drink routine, and I like it a lot!
I found I can handle one Accelerator+ capsule daily, and occasionally I’ll take two with my pink drink. But if I take two regularly it proves to be too much for my system. My usual routine is taking one Accelerator+ capsule right with my pink drink, all this before breakfast. There are those who take one Accelerator+ with their pink drink in the morning, and follow with another Accelerator+ at lunchtime.
Another rather unconventional thing I do is I open up my capsule and pour the Accelerator powder into a spoon to take it. It’s not that I have an aversion to capsules, but being a gastric bypass surgery veteran, my stomach has been transected and now the upper smaller section (that gets the food) doesn’t really produce stomach acid. So bottom line is many (not all) capsules won’t dissolve properly in my new mini stomach. So to get the best absorption from pills, capsules and the like, I normally will break open a capsule or even chew up a pill (a practice I don’t recommend unless, like me, it’s a necessity). Ok, sorry, that was just an aside.
I personally have had no adverse reactions from taking my Accelerator+ before breakfast, but I’ve heard for some it may upset your stomach. The solution to this is to take both after your breakfast. I’ve even heard of folks who will drink the pink drink a half hour before breakfast, and then just take their Accelerator+ with breakfast. Once again, experiment with whatever gives you the best results.
How Often Should I Take It?

Those are the basics to taking Plexus Slim. We’ll explore other common questions in subsequent posts. If I’ve piqued your interest, and you’d like to try Plexus Slim, please visit my website:
With Plexus Worldwide’s 60-day money-back guarantee, you really have nothing to lose by giving it a try.
Plexus Ambassador #247215
Plexus Ambassador #247215
Excellent premiere post, hon. Thanks for introducing me to PS; it's already changing my life. Love you,
Thanks darlin'! You & me & Plexus forever!